Workshop 5 – Friday 12th May (14.00-15.15) Room MR-7

3 CET Credits – CET Code C-56254

Optometry Competencies – Communication, Ocular Examination & Ocular Disease

Title – The Role of OCT in Clinical Practice

Facilitators – Nicholas Rumney,  BBR Optometry,  UK & Prof Holger Dietze, Beuth University, Berlin, Germany

Short Abstract

This interactive skills workshop will provide an opportunity for delegates to understand how the growing use of OCT in primary eye care can help them to provide a higher level of patient care and how the additional information provided by the OCT scans might influence their clinical decision making. Delegates will have the opportunity to capture retinal scans with the help and advice of experienced OCT users. They will learn how to optimise the image quality and select the best scan. They will receive feedback on their identification of the retinal layers, and will be presented with abnormal OCT scans and associated fundus images for discussion within the group.